Kenneth E. Harker
1999 Texas Hill Country

Austin, Texas, is on the very eastern edge of a region of the state known as the Hill Country. The Texas Hill Country is a regional roughly bounded by the towns of Llano, Austin, San Antonio, and Junction.

These photos are copyright (c) 1999-2003 Kenneth E. Harker. All rights reserved.

A small clump of prickly-pear cactus surrounded by yellow wildflowers, near Lake Buchanan in June. The cactus is no longer in bloom.
A summer thunderstorm is rolling in from the north along the western shore of Lake Buchanan.
An afternoon storm in the northern part of the Hill Country.
A view across Lake Buchanan, one of the reservoir lakes of the Colorado River. This is facing east from the western shore on a sunny afternoon in June.
The view across a small cove in Lake Buchanan, looking north. Sometimes, the hills in the Texas Hill Country are subtle.
I'm not sure what kind of bush this is, but it has small purple blooms on it in mid-June.
Monarch butterflies, on their migratory way south to Mexico. This was near the shore of Lake Buchanan in an afternoon in early October.
A hilltop near the town of Bee Cave, looking south. This was late afternoon in early October, 1998.
This is a hilltop near Dripping Springs, facing northwest on a spring day in March.
A sunset near Dripping Springs.
A sunset as seen from a friend's house near Johnson City.

Last Updated 1 August 2018